24th July 2011, 12:24 PM
Ok, so in sequence it went like this
Removal of peat to expose collapsed fopundation
Removal of upper layers of collapse within foundation
Exposure of top layer of 'burnt material'. This layer looked a lot pinker in real life and note the top of the hearth is just becoming visible.
Removal of burnt material exposed hearth/fire box thing with its fill and surrounded by a soft brown soil
Final day shot with hearth/firebox and sandy base of building exposed. Flue/entrance partially emptied.
Removal of peat to expose collapsed fopundation
Removal of upper layers of collapse within foundation
Exposure of top layer of 'burnt material'. This layer looked a lot pinker in real life and note the top of the hearth is just becoming visible.
Removal of burnt material exposed hearth/fire box thing with its fill and surrounded by a soft brown soil
Final day shot with hearth/firebox and sandy base of building exposed. Flue/entrance partially emptied.