3rd August 2011, 02:17 PM
ALGAO do plenty of campaigning to ensure that archaeology doesn't get forgotten about during planning policy changes, they just don't make much noise about it. Ask yer friendly local County Mountie about them.
The tension in the Draft NPPF is that the formal chapter on heritage follows on from PPG15/16 and PPS5's policies, but other elements from other sectors of the document could impact negatively on archaeology and the historic environment. A good example is that Supplementary Planning Docs in Local Plans can no longer constrain development, only speed it up. There goes any use of SPDs to create a local list of buildings and sites outside of Conservation Areas that Local Authorities wish to protect from demolition/alteration...
Spatial planning - it's holistic, innit.
The tension in the Draft NPPF is that the formal chapter on heritage follows on from PPG15/16 and PPS5's policies, but other elements from other sectors of the document could impact negatively on archaeology and the historic environment. A good example is that Supplementary Planning Docs in Local Plans can no longer constrain development, only speed it up. There goes any use of SPDs to create a local list of buildings and sites outside of Conservation Areas that Local Authorities wish to protect from demolition/alteration...
Spatial planning - it's holistic, innit.