26th October 2011, 03:28 PM
trowelfodder Wrote:and
e) is it legal for a planning authority to prevent non ROs working in an area and by what authority can they demand that membership of an organisation which membership of is optional and not wholy accepted by the industry
I am guessing that the legal advice given to the IfA is that a curator can insist upon a contractor/organisation having to show commitment to a level of standard of service and/or indemnity that is above and beyond mere lip service. In the same way that a planning authority can insist upon a 'registered' contractor in other areas where development control is an issue.....Doesn't have to be one that everyone or even the majority adhere to, but one that is appropriate for the matter at hand. I'm trying to think of a parallel...um...maybe it would be something like a planning authority insisting that roof repairs to a listed building are carried out by a Member of the National Council of Master Thatchers rather than just any old roof repair contractor.
With peace and consolation hath dismist, And calm of mind all passion spent...