25th September 2011, 09:58 PM
(This post was last modified: 25th September 2011, 10:08 PM by Unitof1.)
Quote:[SIZE=3]Unit- self employed pay Class 4 NI contribution, employed pay Class 1 (employees: additional to employers). The rates are different. NI is separate to Income Tax.and the rest
First off all SEs have to pay Class 2 contributions that are due regardless of trading profits or losses. That’s not nice is it in the world of cash flow is it.
As for “ni is separate to Income tax” try this in the jumper
Quote:[SIZE=3]What is clearly the case is that many employers who have to take on casual work forces are cutting their costs by forcing that work force to be self-employed. It is not the self-employed workers who are in the wrong but the companies who are forcing them down that route.clear as mud
Wax whats with the workers bit, how about trying to call them archaeologists as in self employed archaeologists. Being called an archaeologist amongst equals is what we are fighting for. If you consider “them” to be archaeologists then the “employers” become clients. Cutting their costs is a given, whats more important is the archaeologist bit. Don’t give it away.
Kev so you know the tax evasion hotline number but have you used it?-no
Quote:[SIZE=3]I would say and have said for many years, that there are in reality very few genuinely self-employed archaeologists.[/SIZE]
I am self-employed archaeologist well thats what I have told the tax authorities-presumably I am not genuine but they dont seen to care about the genuine bit.
Kev are you an archaeologist? I would suggest that if you are the problem that you have is working for other archaeologists.
Reason: your past is my past