18th October 2011, 08:40 PM
A question was asked “What on earth is a soft science? Biology?” A clarification of a “soft” v hard” science was proffered *shrugs*. It seems that “we” are discussing an issue in a contradiction of terms, i.e. half full v. half empty. We choose to believe that one plus one equals two, for now. Archaeologists may not have a strong grounding in science but rely upon specialists in our discipline or other disciplines we can associate with archaeology to do so on our behalf. Personally I see no issue with this. Does speak to why I do not view archaeology as a science.
An art, hmm, perhaps drawing a harris matrix counts as art?
An art, hmm, perhaps drawing a harris matrix counts as art?
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.