23rd November 2011, 10:49 PM
Wax Wrote:I do wonder if prehistoric cave art is really any more profound than some of the glorious graffiti tags you see around at the moment. Just cause its old and rather beautiful does not mean its any more significant than some modern street art :face-stir:
I'm wit Wax and Dino on this one, especially having worked on a listed building graffittied (spelling) by a well-known recent artist. In the right circumstances it absolutely could be an asset, and artistic merit is a consideration too. What seems a bit silly about this situation is that that appear, because of the 'anti-establishment' subject matter to have really gone out of their way to stir things up, and rather pointlessly (in my opinion) succeeded, thus reducing any argument about the heritage value of the site to a side show, which is a shame because I think it is arguably a perfectly valid and important discovery.