20th February 2012, 03:46 PM
Quote:[SIZE=3]I couldn't believe the cheek when I saw it[/SIZE][SIZE=3]out there in the open! [/SIZE]
Don?t fall for the archaeologist is a professional who earns their money by using their knowledge because no one else is allowed.
The vast majority of members of the ifa/cba service the public. The model is that they get paid to enable the public to enjoy archaeology. Enjoying archaeology includes doing archaeology so they have to have people doing archaeology for free. Whats odd is that archaeologists seem to have tried to not see the ?public? as something to be exploited. Should be a university course in its own right. Really when you come out of university after having exploited your family to support you, all archaeologists should immediately attempt to create a cult of mug voluntterrs around them especially from all the vulnerable parts of society and milk them for everything that they are worth. Would almost suggest that if you don?t you are not anarchaeologist. It should be made a requisite of ifa membership. There should be rates like a tenner upfront to wash pot for half a day plus supply me with buscuits.
Currently I seem to have exhausted my little old ladies and having to rely on god squaders but this tescos job seekers seems to me to have the smell of the old manpower services pretend digging is archaeology scam about it. It appears that you can get eightweeks ?work? out of them but what would be more interesting is what is tescos paid the take them on. Does anybody know? Has any body tired it yet? I have a feeling that in the small print one man bands will not beallowed any of the dash.
Reason: your past is my past