27th June 2012, 06:03 PM
Your silt interest seems to indicate that you want to have a dilliberat backfill by definition of a non dilberate backfill by the observation of something called silting. A amoungst many concerns is that this dilberate -non deliberate fill is used to suggest the deliberateness of the digging of the pit in the first. In as much that defining groups that are silted as it would imply they were open for a while set against those that were deliberately filled what significance is supposed to be infered? Personaly having watched a lot of the placists dribbling over claims that they have found several objects in something that they call a context and particularly resting on the base I am minded that silt is the fodder of the grub and nightcrawler and as Darwin pointed some of them are capable of moving 5mm a year upwards who knows how much sideways. But I distract my self because what I am intreged by is that you seem to be trying to group pits by their fill and maybe the pit is a cut and possibly its shape and what it was cut into and where the pit is are actually the "only" attributs that should be allowed to characterise and group pits where as what you are after is something to group and characteris fills
Reason: your past is my past