1st February 2013, 11:31 AM
Thanks Gnomeking, it is difficult to say prior to the pay working party looking into it. Currently an RO inspection is carried out at both new application stage, and when an organisation needs to re-register (every three years). Although the form which ROs complete is important, it is the inspection visit which makes recommendations, and the RO committee which considers the Inspection panel comments and then sets conditions and recommendations. The panel usually includes a local planning archaeologist, a member of staff and a member of the RO committee. The inspection and audit is what I suspect the working party will look into with the RO committee (but its not for me to decide), but I suspect the questions you ask above are more than likely to come up. Certainly at the moment, quality, technical standards etc, are all part of an inspection process- the panel usually looks through project archives, visits a site, talks to staff on-site and in the office, and interviews the postholder at the beginning (to discuss anything that has come up int he form filling in stage) and at the end (to discuss the inspection findings). Is is a comprehensive inspection, but with room for improvement. One thing that I will be working on is communicating more about how the scheme works and how it is being developed - as it is developing we need to do a better job of making sure everyone (and not just members) understand what changes may be happening and how they affect the scheme.
Sorry to side-step your direct questions - I can ask colleagues what would happen within the current process and report back...
Sorry to side-step your direct questions - I can ask colleagues what would happen within the current process and report back...