4th July 2012, 08:51 PM
At the risk of :face-topic:, and not having time to back-track through all the pages of this thread, did someone throw in the suggestion at some point that pits tend to have pot in closer to major monuments and less so further away? - has anyone suggested that anywhere in the 'literature' anywhere, or any handy pers. comms or examples?
Sorry Unit, that bit of the site didn't make the period-cut for Vol 1, although there was a threat that Vol 2 might appear at some point. Not sure about 10,000s of eggs, four or five goes quite a long way in a pit fill, not that we ever get any up around here, bone's rare enough and dissolving pot a common problem (especially the afore-mentioned red shiny stuff). Oh, don't regard digging on chalk as hard, try gravel-filled in gravel, with gravel-filled postpipes 'cutting' the gravel fill, now that's fun...but always get some scientific dating to back you up
Sorry Unit, that bit of the site didn't make the period-cut for Vol 1, although there was a threat that Vol 2 might appear at some point. Not sure about 10,000s of eggs, four or five goes quite a long way in a pit fill, not that we ever get any up around here, bone's rare enough and dissolving pot a common problem (especially the afore-mentioned red shiny stuff). Oh, don't regard digging on chalk as hard, try gravel-filled in gravel, with gravel-filled postpipes 'cutting' the gravel fill, now that's fun...but always get some scientific dating to back you up