8th September 2012, 08:06 AM
Should indeed the IfA be involved in setting pay?
It has been suggested and (perhaps) tried before that the companies (FAME) should negotiate with the Unions. (UNITE and PROSPECT)
However, for quite a number of years now. BAJR has just done it. raising rates, and using a system of mutual discussion to hold the line. A Pay system that is refined enough to meet the requirements. ( almost like I thought it out properly) and generally accepted --- Lots of work at my end, but worth it.
The IfA membership grades don't fit well into a pay scale system.
I dearly wish and would be more than happy to have support from the IfA on the BAJR grades.. BUT I fear there is a worry that this would somehow lessen the IfA --- far from it. it would be a real step towards formalising the fair pay and need for some BIG staged rises. Be brave. If you are on teh council... ask this...
Why not adopt the BAJR Grade system? :face-kiss:
pps... as Kevin says...
Big rises...
ah haaa...ha ha ha
Here is a comment from the Diggers Forum: 2009
plus la change! :face-approve:
It has been suggested and (perhaps) tried before that the companies (FAME) should negotiate with the Unions. (UNITE and PROSPECT)
However, for quite a number of years now. BAJR has just done it. raising rates, and using a system of mutual discussion to hold the line. A Pay system that is refined enough to meet the requirements. ( almost like I thought it out properly) and generally accepted --- Lots of work at my end, but worth it.
The IfA membership grades don't fit well into a pay scale system.
I dearly wish and would be more than happy to have support from the IfA on the BAJR grades.. BUT I fear there is a worry that this would somehow lessen the IfA --- far from it. it would be a real step towards formalising the fair pay and need for some BIG staged rises. Be brave. If you are on teh council... ask this...
Why not adopt the BAJR Grade system? :face-kiss:
pps... as Kevin says...
Big rises...
ah haaa...ha ha ha
Here is a comment from the Diggers Forum: 2009
Quote: Pay levels are appalling, particularly within the Field sector. The IfA Benchmarking Salaries Report ( 2009 ) identified an increase of 13-53% required to bring archaeological pay in line with comparable professions. Diggers' Forum strongly supports unionisation within commercial archaeology, but at present union representation is limited and fragmentary. We acknowledge that tackling the pay issue within the competitive-tendering system is a complex, difficult and challenging prospect for commercial units. However, we see little or no evidence of the necessary commitment and motivation needed to achieve the percentage increases outlined in the Salaries Report.
plus la change! :face-approve: