1st September 2008, 04:46 PM
Having gone through this tedious and frustrating process myself and not being successful primarily due to bureaucratic and a half-hearted effort on the part of the hiring company, I will offer this caution. The Home Office is overwhelmed with applications and the new system has slowed things down even moreso. The process may well take much more time than stated and for that reason I would suggest that any action you take PaleoBones make sure you start the application process as soon as you possibly can. Do not be shy in your efforts with either your hiring company, the Home Office itself (there is limited access to information as to the status of your application during the process) and in fact the Home Office's understanding of archaeology in general as they are making determinations as to your abilities and experience without any (my asssessment) clue as to what an archaeologist's job entails. In that regard, it will be the prospective or willing employer whose job it will be to supply sufficient information (and it is an extensive form they must fill out thoroughly) for the Home Office to make a positive judgement.
I am glad to hear that you have found a legal way to extend your VISA, Paleobones. Good luck to all who 'throw their hat into the ring' at the Home Office.
I am glad to hear that you have found a legal way to extend your VISA, Paleobones. Good luck to all who 'throw their hat into the ring' at the Home Office.