27th September 2012, 10:48 AM
(This post was last modified: 7th October 2012, 08:09 PM by trowelfodder.)
I would definatly pay ?45, first two I bought cost me 25-30 back in the ninties, the second if memory serves me right about seventy, currently its held together with a thick weld and has been for the last year. They are the only tool for an evaluation. I clean back with it as I go especially any splash fom the machine which you can do without to much strain on your back. In trench work they are very good at pulling back a flat surface and often they are admired for cleaning out foundations by the trench diggers which I insist on doing. In watching briefs I use them to sort through spoil and pick up finds-saving me back and to cap it all you can sit back on them. I consider any archaeologist who hasnt got one as a t*** and have only met one or two people who had one who were t**** as well.
Reason: your past is my past