2nd November 2012, 11:39 PM
Even the Government (and the opposition), CBI et al have pointed out that the current economic situation is the 'new norm' till about 2018. So the IFA stances on pay freeze (not doing anything), or inflation only (not doing anything) seems to be a bit of a lost cause for improving archaeological pay, if they wish to differ to 'better times'. Do people really want to wait 6 years, just to get back onto the debate let alone actually being at the start of trying to raise pay. No offence to Paul, but the stance on 'IFA should not be setting pay' is irrelevant. They do at this present time and that is what the debate is about! If you dont like it then stay out of the pay scale rate debate as you have a bias. I suspect that most Council units pay bands straddle the proposed minima so shouldn't be too much of a shock.