18th January 2013, 10:33 PM
There is a big big big question about EU and Scotland. Even if as the 'Yes Scotland' are able to negotiate from within the EU thus never leave, Scotland still is negotiating what EU treaties and legislation it will sign up to which if negotaition take time could lead to issue of funding being with-held after a independent Scotland left the UK but was still in the process of negotiation of which EU treaties and legislation it would sign up for. What is important to note in all of the debate this is has never occured before thus will not neatly fit into the three current stages of 'EU applicant', 'EU Candidate' or 'EU member' thus with fit into an undefind 4th stage.
Don't forget this would happen with all international bodies including UN which can lead to some benifits, if a indepentant Scotland sign up to Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage it will be able to provide it own nominations places to unceso World Heritage site. Also after a independent Scotland gain EU membership it could find it own voice within the group, be it as Strong as France, Germany and UK or viewed has much as Greece, Ireland and Portugal would have to be seen.
Don't forget this would happen with all international bodies including UN which can lead to some benifits, if a indepentant Scotland sign up to Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage it will be able to provide it own nominations places to unceso World Heritage site. Also after a independent Scotland gain EU membership it could find it own voice within the group, be it as Strong as France, Germany and UK or viewed has much as Greece, Ireland and Portugal would have to be seen.