6th February 2013, 12:20 PM
still the paper suits might be claimed on cross dna contamination terms. Not sure that lifing on a board is up to much. First off you have to dig around the grave cut context and destroy it. Seems that they did not have much space and it appears that rickees feet had been truncated although I did not see any pictures which showed that this truncation had been excavated or extended much lower than the grave cut? As for the nail-possible roman? only the excavation could make any claims as to where it rested amounst the skeleton.
Truth is there was no real archaeological digging details- modus opparandy etc given that might be interesting to a digging archaeologist. If anything I feel sorry for the diggers that I saw on the programe where whats probably not funny is that they are producing copyrights but those making the film are probably making a lot more out of their copyrights than the diggers? and royalties from repeating the program. Nick Ashton made a point that he felt that he should have controled more of the production when at tyme teams...Maybe archaeologists should go full hog and see all our record making as making a record for television and charge accordingly for it. Museums seem to treat most archaeology as entertainment, why dont we just admit it. Its a pity at the moment that we have to come accross as people who whack a skele with a jcb and then go around wareing paper suits for no given reason and then after we have produced the goods and been stared at in a trench to have all their work and copyright then possessed by some wonderful no doubt mifa RO director and other possible very important beings who stode around and tried to look as gormless as the presenter. I appologise if it was a genetic face deformaty.
Truth is there was no real archaeological digging details- modus opparandy etc given that might be interesting to a digging archaeologist. If anything I feel sorry for the diggers that I saw on the programe where whats probably not funny is that they are producing copyrights but those making the film are probably making a lot more out of their copyrights than the diggers? and royalties from repeating the program. Nick Ashton made a point that he felt that he should have controled more of the production when at tyme teams...Maybe archaeologists should go full hog and see all our record making as making a record for television and charge accordingly for it. Museums seem to treat most archaeology as entertainment, why dont we just admit it. Its a pity at the moment that we have to come accross as people who whack a skele with a jcb and then go around wareing paper suits for no given reason and then after we have produced the goods and been stared at in a trench to have all their work and copyright then possessed by some wonderful no doubt mifa RO director and other possible very important beings who stode around and tried to look as gormless as the presenter. I appologise if it was a genetic face deformaty.
Reason: your past is my past