I do indeed make sure people know I was asthmatic but it is very easy to forget if it is no longer a regular part of your life. Anyone can suddenly have an asthma attack and your first attack can be your last (it may kill you or you never have another one) so its worth all first aiders knowing the symptoms. Asthma can kill very quickly indeed dont mess around trying to work out if it is asthma or not call 999.
Oh and try and give up the fags I have seen far too many firends and family go with smoking induced lung cancer (five at the last count) It will kill you, just a bit slower and a lot more painfully than asthma.
Oh and try and give up the fags I have seen far too many firends and family go with smoking induced lung cancer (five at the last count) It will kill you, just a bit slower and a lot more painfully than asthma.