12th April 2013, 06:25 PM
kevin wooldridge Wrote:Apart from the Miners strike...and the steelworkers strike.....and the Poll Tax strike..and the Greenham protests. Mark Steel ha a piece in the Independent about Corby - a whole town killed by Thatcherite policy..not a million miles away from one of the largest archaeological excavations carried out in the 1980s. I guess a lot of archaeologists didn't realise what was happening on their doorstep....
Not sure which site you are referring to, but I spent most of '83 working on a big Roman town site (Ashton) near Corby. We had quite a few Manpower Services blokes on site who were Corby ex-steelworkers. Hard as nails, but top blokes and bloody hard workers. They took some of us out drinking in Corby one night. One of the pubs had fresh gashes in the top of the bar as the night before someone had been thrown out, and had come back with an axe. Town was full of junkies as well. A once-proud town turned into a horrible, horrible wasteland. Still find it amusing that they're now trying to sell the place as a London commuter dormitory town. They'd get eaten.
\"Whoever understands the pottery, understands the site\" - Wheeler