17th June 2013, 10:47 PM
RE: fear of tribunals > @PP, sounds like a threat...are you a manager by any chance?
BTW, no union membership is nessescary to call out bodgers and miscreants >>> unions now are more often just employee-employer relations (thatcher and blair saw to that)
> do your research, know your rights (i am happy to point to info by PM)
beware of comments such as PPs:
'Blacklisting' is all to easy. Or rather perceptions mean a lot more than facts > your 'good work reord' will mean sod all ('procedural' redundaney/termination is often very open to manipulation, and mostly is stacked heavily in favour of 'the employers' position - never mind '[short' contracts and self-employment).
In this 'proffesion' it is extreemly easy > with a core of employees terrified of losing thier jobs, and an inexhautable supply of short-contract/zero-hour labour to be had at will, any 'employer' who feels threatened by an 'employee' demanding fairness and good practice, can use any old cobblers as an excuse to remove and never re-hire.
Sadly, it is often a whole crappy system an individual is forced to contend with, not just a single issue#
And even when a clear 'moral victory' can be seen, it is probaly extreemly hard in many situations to arrive at practically benifical outcomes for 'the complianant'.
Consenting to this Game makes us all Slaves...while the majority 'just carry on', individuals will continue to be easy targets and little threat.
Of course if it is an issue of Archaeological Standards#, then you must contact the IFA imedieatley...as they they are Custodians of All Archaeolgoical Practice (L O, very much, L)
---and of cousre, given the fine members who make of the 'executive lobby/commitee', they could be no possibility at all that a complainant/whistle-blower they catch the name of could ever suffer proffesionaly in the future.... oh goodness no.
(Just as there is clearly no commercail intrests in Whitehall departments and Downing street.... )
You can keep your head down and Slave-away until 'They' are finished with you - or make a stand (just don't relie on much support in this anaesthetised society)
Prepare for alternatives to comercial archaeology....
...in fact that might be the surest way to impove the situation within 'the proffsion' >> instead of being pertified of losing a job, focus can be put on what that job should entail, and gives freedom to call out the bullshit.
+ telling a shoddy half-baked idiot just where to stick it can be very liberating.
Those still denied Remedy could also consider followoing up on the publicly subbmitted reports of sites or companies they know (if they have 'time on thier hands') > there is a wealth of contractual and proffesional embarresment lurking for the Informed Seeker.
do as much as you can to document your own work > be sneaky, be subtle > especially log/note everything for yourself if you think there is a Storm brewing
BTW, no union membership is nessescary to call out bodgers and miscreants >>> unions now are more often just employee-employer relations (thatcher and blair saw to that)
> do your research, know your rights (i am happy to point to info by PM)
beware of comments such as PPs:
'Blacklisting' is all to easy. Or rather perceptions mean a lot more than facts > your 'good work reord' will mean sod all ('procedural' redundaney/termination is often very open to manipulation, and mostly is stacked heavily in favour of 'the employers' position - never mind '[short' contracts and self-employment).
In this 'proffesion' it is extreemly easy > with a core of employees terrified of losing thier jobs, and an inexhautable supply of short-contract/zero-hour labour to be had at will, any 'employer' who feels threatened by an 'employee' demanding fairness and good practice, can use any old cobblers as an excuse to remove and never re-hire.
Sadly, it is often a whole crappy system an individual is forced to contend with, not just a single issue#
And even when a clear 'moral victory' can be seen, it is probaly extreemly hard in many situations to arrive at practically benifical outcomes for 'the complianant'.
Consenting to this Game makes us all Slaves...while the majority 'just carry on', individuals will continue to be easy targets and little threat.
Of course if it is an issue of Archaeological Standards#, then you must contact the IFA imedieatley...as they they are Custodians of All Archaeolgoical Practice (L O, very much, L)
---and of cousre, given the fine members who make of the 'executive lobby/commitee', they could be no possibility at all that a complainant/whistle-blower they catch the name of could ever suffer proffesionaly in the future.... oh goodness no.
(Just as there is clearly no commercail intrests in Whitehall departments and Downing street.... )
You can keep your head down and Slave-away until 'They' are finished with you - or make a stand (just don't relie on much support in this anaesthetised society)
Prepare for alternatives to comercial archaeology....
...in fact that might be the surest way to impove the situation within 'the proffsion' >> instead of being pertified of losing a job, focus can be put on what that job should entail, and gives freedom to call out the bullshit.
+ telling a shoddy half-baked idiot just where to stick it can be very liberating.
Those still denied Remedy could also consider followoing up on the publicly subbmitted reports of sites or companies they know (if they have 'time on thier hands') > there is a wealth of contractual and proffesional embarresment lurking for the Informed Seeker.
do as much as you can to document your own work > be sneaky, be subtle > especially log/note everything for yourself if you think there is a Storm brewing