14th July 2013, 07:08 PM
Quote:Would my first or your first attempt to get a wider public involved in such a project look different, maybe but probably not. What we are seeing here are the teething problems of a sub-sector of archaeology that has never had to really engage with people (with many great and notable exceptions, not stereotyping everyone).
In a way I do agree... though for that sort of money - you should be expected to think about that sort of thing first. However/. as I am a charitable chap and all that/ Rather than carp about it ... I am ready to get in there and put ti too the test. SO I need some Edinburgh University students to work with me and do all the "Hillforts" ( gawd I hate that term) in the Lammermuirs - I will provide transportation and we can all go out. - I have now created the form on an app for android phones. so we can test out this funky survey method as well,
Quote:I dread the day when I receive medical treatment based on evidence gathered by the public on a 'volunteer/ community outreach medical research project'.
This is indeed my worry... how can one be sure about the veracity of a volunteer survey? Without training and without checking.
well... lets see what happens