There are still many jobs where the archaeology is not sub contracted by a big construction company but is directly commissioned by a client who is not a developer as such. As a client I would look very closely at the health and safety policy of any company I commissioned but would totally disregard CSCS because I do not see that as a measure of competency in managing H&S and on a site where there is no demolition or construction ongoing it would be irrelevant anyway. There is a world beyond developer archaeology surprisingly enough. My criteria would be does this company understand the risks inherent in the type of site they're excavating and archaeology as a whole and if asked to work with the community and volunteers do they understand the particular issues involved.
My original question does the Unit director / specialist consultant/ manager need a CSCS card or is it something for the plebs? (not meant as an insult)
My original question does the Unit director / specialist consultant/ manager need a CSCS card or is it something for the plebs? (not meant as an insult)