2nd September 2013, 06:56 PM
hosty couldn't you have done the evaluation at even less cost. Out of interest what did you have to archive, did you have to negotiate and submit a wsi, what standard of report did you have to produce. And then hosty once you have got your costs right down couldn't you have convinced your client that you needed to do a 20% evaluation survey and take twice as much time. I personally think that you have to look a lot harder under rig and frig to find anything. A lot of mounties round my way would just turn the whole thing into an earthwork survey with a possible watching brief. Glad to hear that you a least got an evaluation. But my point is that because we have mounties doing archaeology we archaeologists are not allowed to make money from potential negative outlooks, where as the mounties mostly justify their existence on their providing a negative service to the nasty developers
Reason: your past is my past