16th September 2013, 08:05 PM
Unitof1 Wrote:so the argument is that PM is always going to have to be tested against trench evaluation for EVERY site so lets just drop PM and get on with using digging as the ONLY archaeological evaluation method.
What you should be using PM for is for sites that are not going to be dug like fields with crop marks to show what damage sub-soiling mole ploughing/drainage are doing to out context resource.
First sentence yes- digging should be the final solution and always done. However, like geophys it can complement digging e.g. dig here or dig there- saves time, money, your back (not so much these days with jcbs but you get the point). Usually the quicker you find stuff the better- I can think of one or two exceptions.
Second sentence- Unit sorry to keep doing this to you unit but your skills of mixing up sentences so no one knows who your are was a little too successful again. I don't know what you are saying there. :face-huh: