13th February 2014, 02:43 PM
Quote:ave just spent the morning trying to decide what to do about C14 dating a site dug by a total ***** with (judging by the site and sample records) an almost total lack of understanding of the basics of either excavation, recording or archaeological science, and yet who has since moved on to become a SPO with one of the big southern RAO outfits .
In which case, you now have the basis of complaint
If I could ask for one major thing to change it is the method of complaint. Like every other companint it has to be fair. and the person accused must be allowed a right to reply. HOWEVER> the need for protect whistleblowers or the like needs revised.
For you. there is nothing to stop you making a complaint about this. providing teh relevant details you have... this may result in a reprimand... and if enough people complain - they would be struck off.
Just a thought...
ps... can I borrow your heated toilet