I am not sure that in some parts of the DUA and associated institutes you would be allowed to live if you don't recognise that the laws have been given by a god. Having looked at it again it seems that we also have to incorporate the laws of horizontality , continuity and blessed of all The Law of Stratigraphical Succession: A unit of
I cant find any reference in the Principles to the use of arrows but if there are any laws couldn't they be used like this to show non gravity orderliness.
I calls it Bergers arrow.
Quote: archaeological strati-fication takes its place in the stratigraphic sequence of a site from its position between the undermost (or earliest) of the units which lie above it and the uppermost (or latest) of all the units which lie below it and with which the unit has a physical contact, all other superpositional relationships being redundant.The Law of Stratigraphical Succession: A unit of archaeological strati- fication takes its place in the stratigraphic sequence of a site from its position between the undermost (or earliest) of the units which lie above it and the uppermost (or latest) of all the units which lie below it and with which the unit has a physical contact, all other superpositional relationships being redundant.
I cant find any reference in the Principles to the use of arrows but if there are any laws couldn't they be used like this to show non gravity orderliness.
I calls it Bergers arrow.
.....nature was dead and the past does not exist