7th April 2014, 12:43 PM
Mike.T. Wrote:How is something sitting in achieve, possibly for years ''disseminating information'' ? If something like a Viking gold ring is found by a MD' er then of course it should go on display in a museum but why should museum storerooms be crammed with every archaeological artefact and coin ever dug up by a member of the public ? Who benefits from that ?
Good to see, yet again on this forum, someone claiming to be an archaeologist apparently incapable of thinking beyond their own lifetime. In theory, items in museums are potentially still able to disseminate information way into the future - can you say what scientific techniques might have developed in 100 years? 200 years? Can you be sure that items returned to the finders will be as equally available for study in 100 or 200 years time? I was looking at some finds from an excavation 100 years ago a few weeks back with the thought about new research, good job they are in a museum otherwise that would be impossible!