17th July 2014, 08:51 AM
Quote:good dba is a piece of p**s, but turning that into something that resonates with joe public is the hard part -otherwise we would all have done it already
Prentice "something that resonates with joe public is the hard part",really! Do you know of any example where somebody has tried? What's odd is that they are given away for free! You would have thought that that would be part of a winning formula with good old josephine public.
Quote:How do these guys get away with it.how much dino were you charged to use the information in this wonderful DBa? In the real booky world normally somewhere like on the back cover is a recommended price along side gushing reviews. Did you ask for your money back? Did you write a review yourself and send it to the publisher or put it up on facebook that the author was a charlatan?
Now if the DBa had been a cd full of copied music tracks whoever had sold it would have been done for music piracy but you might have been able to move a ton of them before being caught. Maybe thats what we should do. There must be some music either because of their title or some turn of phrase that could be interfaced amongst the good stuff
Introduction: you ain't seen nothing yet
Author: Bob
Location: Watford gap
Bibliography: Prentice & Dino (eds)
.....nature was dead and the past does not exist