19th August 2014, 11:06 PM
Whos ripping anybody off. I would have though that a lot of descendants would be grateful that if you had gone to the trouble to save the remains of their ancestors from the jaws of development to notify them and at least give them the chance to voice what they might want to happen. presumably some people might be insulted if you asked for too little. Maybe the route to go is to give them the bones for nothing but then charge them to bury them. Maybe if the exact ancestors could not be found then maybe the state might like to step in on their behalf and pay you to bury them. I cant say that I like the use of the term rebury. It kinda suggest that you had already had one go at burying them. We are paid to dig them up not put them into another bit of ground. Could we cremate them instead. Seems to me that a lot of archaeologists make out that burying them is archiving.
Still does anybody know where the MoJ got the two years for reburial from and what does they define as "re"burial.
Still does anybody know where the MoJ got the two years for reburial from and what does they define as "re"burial.
.....nature was dead and the past does not exist