9th September 2014, 04:49 PM
Quote:I don't like your implication that "real Scots" will be those voting yes...I wouldn't imagine that the scots would want it put that way before voting but once independent I can imagine that it will be something that children will ask their parents as part of the official story of four hundred years of resistance. The real scots will define themselves as the ones that voted for Scotland, if the vote is close it got to be a point of issue, pretty much half the country could end up feeling like they have been stuck for the rest of their lives with the other half in a small room. And the ones that didn't vote for cant be real Scots will come up. For the first century or so the differences between the two will probably be the basis for anything that will go wrong or right. Lets hope it goes right.
Archaeologically it will be interesting because academically there is probably room for improvement in Scotland, possibly nationalism will blow funding towards archaeology although the question might arise of whether there will be a critical mass to come up with any good ideas or an audience big enough to care sufficiently.
.....nature was dead and the past does not exist