12th September 2014, 03:26 PM
hosty admit it you are basically a forestalling badger http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badger_(occupation). maybe bajr should consider a duty free zone and obviously a tax free haven. The scots invented paper money http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Law_(economist) after all and before dot matrix printers. It all seems to be about who gets the right to print money, well its about time we got to print our own. Its a democratic world. I dont remember voting to not print our own money. Everybody should print their own money. Gilds in the past used to produce their own tokens. My latest scanner is refusing to scan ten pound notes. Maybe you could get hold of some real scanners that could scan pound notes print some off and sell them south of the boarder.
.....nature was dead and the past does not exist