17th September 2014, 08:46 AM
Dirty Boy Wrote:2. I've moved to Scotland and am trying to enhance my finds handling collection that I've built over the years (legitimately from discards mind!) with (mainly metalwork) bits such as coins, brooches, shot, etc. that I used to have access to through my unit but can't access any more. I don't want to buy off Ebay/antique shops as I provenance the material and Scotland don't have the PAS - does anyone have any bright ideas?
I would probably recommend getting in touch with local units, local museums, local archaeology groups/societies and RCHME/Historic Scotland and asking them. They will point you in the direction of provenanced discards and may be able to offer other support and advice. Not sure which part of Scotland you've moved to but the local Historic Environment Record should be able to help you with finding local contacts. List of contact details for HERs in Scotland is available at http://smrforum-scotland.org.uk/her-contacts/ .