8th December 2014, 02:03 PM
Marc Berger Wrote:so you are suggesting that an evaluation can produce archaeology without excavation or rather the evaluations that you undertook were excavations?Sigh.
Though I take your general point....I think??....you dislike IfA/anyone else telling you how to do archaeology
Could the terminology 'field evaluation' cover say walkover surveys, condition surveys etc which can often charcterise archaeology without excavation, especially when used in combination with a HER and document search. How about building surveys?
I think (deja vu?) evaluation of a site and an archaeological evaluation excavation (trial-trenching) have been muddled up here.
And of course no excavation/evaluation should 'produce' archaeology (except for future archaeologists who are studying the ritual behaviour of the late 20th to 21st century of digging largely straight trenches, approximately 2m wide by between 10m to 30m. This obviously being ritual behaviour in the way that the people 'revered' the remains of their ancestors by carefully excavating, recording then selectively removing artifacts. There even was a case where some artefacts were dug up from one ritual site, moved to one of the central temples where these special items were stored, then re-buried outside the temple).
The archaeology is there or it isn't.