18th October 2015, 02:11 PM
Doug Wrote:Are you sure that David and CIfA have approved these practices? Could it be a company that takes out 85 in pay might not be the most scrupulous in terms of morals and may not have advertised these practices in a job posting?
The job advert clearly stated that the company will expect the employee to make a contribution towards accommodation and travel costs when working away. A cost that I would guess all the other archaeological companies who might potentially be tendering for the work would include within their pricing is, in effect, being used as a way of paying staff less than the minimum wage.
And Marc, yes I am paid enough. You do not know anything about me so all I can say is that this is by choice because I am not motivated by money and secondly I am not a freshly graduated student desperate to get a job in archaeology. This does not mean that I do not think that others employed in the same role as me are not underpaid and in no way denies me the right to speak out against exploitation.