27th May 2016, 05:16 PM
I have tried to edit that Prentice but when I go into hostys' post editor, advanced or not, the screen comes up blank so I cant get my missing "to" in. As for foot shooting what else are guns for?
In this particular instance I thought that I had thoroughly installed the CIFA principle of English and Welsh object ownership "must" reside in the clients mind with an added incentive that I reduced my price and from the very first hand shake when I said "Now then, you do realise that you own anything that I find on your land?".
I have now discovered that the public are not interested in any "grotty bits of pot" that I might find but are far more interested in "discharging" the condition as when they were informed that getting a specification agreed was only a partial discharge they took this to mean that unless they found an archaeologist that was willing to take the grotty pot without any hindrance of ownership, they would not get to build their dream home in which to raise their family.
In this particular instance I thought that I had thoroughly installed the CIFA principle of English and Welsh object ownership "must" reside in the clients mind with an added incentive that I reduced my price and from the very first hand shake when I said "Now then, you do realise that you own anything that I find on your land?".
I have now discovered that the public are not interested in any "grotty bits of pot" that I might find but are far more interested in "discharging" the condition as when they were informed that getting a specification agreed was only a partial discharge they took this to mean that unless they found an archaeologist that was willing to take the grotty pot without any hindrance of ownership, they would not get to build their dream home in which to raise their family.
.....nature was dead and the past does not exist