10th February 2009, 01:33 PM
I think that if we are in the process of writing a new PPG, then the tack on at the end should contain a refering point on the web, or with a major non-profit based regulator, with regular flexability and response in relation to the quality of the work.
Although saying that. If someone unscrumpulous got into a position of power they could black mark someone, or something, from the other side of the country.
We really have to stop thinking about big 'v' medium 'v' small in a battle royale.
The shape of the industry to come, will be nothing like the one we have now.
survival wise, your right, but a company can be setup and others can go into dormancy with relative ease.
That way you could keep the name, or ever so slightly modify the names of pre-existers.
It would almost be like when people started registering the internet addresses, with major bank names, ensuring that someone would have to pay out of their 'bottemless?' pockets.
Although, that idea may bring around some serious expenditure thoughs and maybe a change to something like Aviva, from Norwich Union.
Its amazing to think that even in this country, we struggle with the concepts of free and fair trade, at the ground level.