16th February 2009, 08:21 PM
When we look back on the work of early antiquarians and proto-archaeologists, sometimes it is difficult not to cringe. Artefacts being retrieved from cists whilst the remains were just chucked out, maybe just keeping the skull, picking out the gold and silver coins from a hoard and chucking the rest away etc...and yet these folk believed that they were enlightened and that they were cutting edge in their approach. Are we any different, any less arrogant if we believe we are as good as it gets when it comes to the business of archaeology? In a 100 or 200 years time will people look at us and wince? "We could have done sub-phrotrengic linear-Spock analysis if they had not chucked out [read "re-buried"]those remains...what were they thinking...bloody vandals"
On another note, if we have a concensus that reburial is the way to go, where does it stop? Perhaps we could look forward to seeing Lucy being reunited with the mother earth that she was so cruelly ripped from.
Beer is your friend
On another note, if we have a concensus that reburial is the way to go, where does it stop? Perhaps we could look forward to seeing Lucy being reunited with the mother earth that she was so cruelly ripped from.
Beer is your friend