:0 no indeed not... and I do the same...
The copyright on links is interesting.. where the url itself is copyrighted, but linking to an external site, using that url is not. You could also have (for example) pornbabes website linking to BAJR.. in which case, I might not like to be associated.. and I would request the link removed.
In this case, it is a compilation copyright. Where I have taken time to collect, one by one, review, classify and describe a list of websites. In this case... copying is illegal.
The tricky bit comes in for example rival telephone directories.. where of course the entries will be the same, where the difference comes is IF the rival telephone directory, rather than creating the directory from scratch, just copied and pasted the entire yellow pages.
So.. phew... no.. no worries at all.
indeed, I would love to know about all the Norwegian archaeology companies, so i could compile another list
At the end of the day, you should only trust your own work... becasue then you have been to every site, checked it, verified it, understood it, and included it. (they can of course request to be removed) I always email all the groups and companies to ensure they are happy to be included.... after all, not everyone would like to be on BAJR...
Constant development is the law of life, and a man who always tries to maintain his dogmas in order to appear consistent drives himself into a false position.
Mohandas Gandhi