27th January 2010, 09:02 AM
Les arch?ologues de l'Inrap contestent leur d?m?nagement ? Reims
LE MONDE | 21.01.10 | 16h03 ? Mis ? jour le 21.01.10 | 16h03
A portion of the hopes of the scientific community and staff of the National Institute of Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP) now rests on the shoulders of a young technocrat. Roffignon Arnaud, 36, a former adviser to the Ministers of Culture Christine Albanel and Frederic Mitterrand, has been appointed by a presidential decree of January 11, Director General of the main body of archaeological French
This appointment comes at a time of anxiety and tension. Since late November 2009, the relocation of the institute in Reims is indeed back on the table. In concluding a speech in Champagne on November 19, Prime Minister Fran?ois Fillon confirmed that Inrap "will be installed very soon in Reims, as the government already has taken the commitment."
Critics fear the move and in particular the departure of several executives along with the loss of skills will break the ties with CNRS and the Universities Paris.
Read more here: from Le Monde Newspaper
LE MONDE | 21.01.10 | 16h03 ? Mis ? jour le 21.01.10 | 16h03
Quote:Une part des espoirs de la communaut? scientifique et des personnels de l'Institut national de recherches arch?ologiques pr?ventives (Inrap) repose d?sormais sur les ?paules d'un jeune ?narque. Arnaud Roffignon, 36 ans, ancien conseiller des ministres de la culture Christine Albanel puis de Fr?d?ric Mitterrand, a ?t? nomm?, par un d?cret pr?sidentiel du 11 janvier, directeur g?n?ral du principal organisme de recherches arch?ologiques fran?ais.
A portion of the hopes of the scientific community and staff of the National Institute of Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP) now rests on the shoulders of a young technocrat. Roffignon Arnaud, 36, a former adviser to the Ministers of Culture Christine Albanel and Frederic Mitterrand, has been appointed by a presidential decree of January 11, Director General of the main body of archaeological French
Quote:Cette nomination intervient dans un contexte d'inqui?tudes et de tensions. Depuis fin novembre 2009, le d?m?nagement de l'institut ? Reims est en effet de nouveau au go?t du jour. En conclusion d'un discours prononc? dans la capitale champenoise le 19 novembre, le premier ministre, Fran?ois Fillon, avait en effet confirm? que l'Inrap "s'installera(it) bien ? Reims prochainement, comme le gouvernement en a pris l'engagement".
This appointment comes at a time of anxiety and tension. Since late November 2009, the relocation of the institute in Reims is indeed back on the table. In concluding a speech in Champagne on November 19, Prime Minister Fran?ois Fillon confirmed that Inrap "will be installed very soon in Reims, as the government already has taken the commitment."
Quote:......Les d?tracteurs du d?m?nagement craignent en particulier le d?part de nombreux cadres et la perte de comp?tences. Ils redoutent aussi que les liens tiss?s avec le CNRS et les universit?s parisiennes ne se rompent ou ne se distendent. ...........
Critics fear the move and in particular the departure of several executives along with the loss of skills will break the ties with CNRS and the Universities Paris.
Read more here: from Le Monde Newspaper