7th March 2010, 04:12 PM
We are looking for a person with good knowledge of the Norman invasion of Britain and consequent Norman architecture- castles and fortifications, keeps, cathedrals, monasteries and more.
The right person would be able to consult on a BBC4 series presented by Dan Snow.
Please reply to Alice Robinson directly at alicerobinson22@gmail.com or mobile: 07763465380.
This is from Nigel Hetherington (Past Preservers - so he should be credited for providing the info)
The right person would be able to consult on a BBC4 series presented by Dan Snow.
Please reply to Alice Robinson directly at alicerobinson22@gmail.com or mobile: 07763465380.
This is from Nigel Hetherington (Past Preservers - so he should be credited for providing the info)