29th March 2011, 08:03 PM
We could end up in a terrible muddle... inspiring the future with past understanding the present in archaeology 
But seriously... I think we are getting there and there is news of a competition for a short 45 sec viral ad ( and indeed even ol' BAJR will be putting money in the kitty)
Here is what I wrote last night to the email discussion
Mike Heyworth added this
Will keep people informed.
ps... we are doing our best to kill Mortimer!

But seriously... I think we are getting there and there is news of a competition for a short 45 sec viral ad ( and indeed even ol' BAJR will be putting money in the kitty)
Here is what I wrote last night to the email discussion
Quote:I tend to agree with Chris Cumberpatch, but what has come to a head in the BAJR discussions are the following:
1: archaeology is too disparate to have a clear focus
2.: archaeology matters to the public
3: any campaign can suceed is it stays general - but focussed
Therefore the concept coming from BAJRites is this
There are millions who are interested and so if this group are engaged... if any threat comes to archaeology, then they will be there, whether it is CBA funding, Council cuts, funding for local groups etc
As Chris points out, there are lots of great projects, but they are just that... lots of many. I did some stats recently and of all the archaeology interventions, Public Archaeology makes up only 4%
I admit that includes watching briefs, but you get the picture. When I was in York in the 80s, we had info boards and public access, and they loved it.... it was there archaeology, it was adventure, it was discovery, even if it was coming once a day for 10 minutes.
That said... if we act in a general way.. then it can be used to fit any threat....
Archaeology - Discover yourself.
Archaeology - you can't lose your past.
Archaeology - the real Timelords.
Archaeology - armchair timetravel for mortals like us
Archaeology : Use it or loose it
The Past made us: archaeology shows us.
You see where we are going.... it fits anything that gets thrown at us.
We then need a cracking website a facebook / twitter campaign... and sorry... no Mortimer (who he?)
and definitely no Indiana!
Really it is mobilising the public behind whatever happens.
Rescue can be the mouth... but seriously... don't name names... this is not going to work if people require their name attached to a campaign...
This is archaeology - pure and simple.
Keep It Simple Stupid
good luck. and remember us up here in the rest of the UK (otherwise known as Scotland)
Mike Heyworth added this
Quote:This is what The Archaeology Forum's earlier 2005 leaflet said (printed and sent to all MPs in Westminster and still available on the TAF web site at http://www.britarch.ac.uk/archforum/enriches.pdf)
Archaeology enriches us all
Everything that is special about Britain has been touched and shaped by millennia of daily human lives – creativity, conflict, changing beliefs and technologies.
Archaeology is about uncovering, recording and interpreting that story. And for all but the last 2,000 of over 500,000 years, archaeology is central to our understanding and appreciation of this rich and diverse past. It helps explain the growth of our towns and cities and the evolution of our countryside as well as our relationship with nature and the spiritual world.
Why does archaeology matter?
Archaeology is key to understanding an irreplaceable store of human history, most with no written record and sometimes highly vulnerable
Understanding and appreciating this legacy makes a core contribution to local identity and to our sense of who we are as a nation and in our communities
A sense of place and a common cultural perspective are essential ingredients of quality of life for communities and for individual citizens
Archaeology links people in a direct way with continuity and change in our society and our surroundings
Like other disciplines in the historic environment, archaeology makes a major contribution to the tourist economy and to heritage-led regeneration.
As usual, I agree with Chris: there is so much fantastic work taking place across the UK bringing together people from all walks of life. The challenge is how we gain recognition for all this endeavour (and the benefits it delivers) amongst the key decision makers.
Interestingly, for the Radio 4 piece at lunchtime today they had Loyd Grossman lined up to talk about the heritage elements of the Select Committee report (in his capacity as Chair of The Heritage Alliance), but he got bounced by the extended reports coming out of Libya.
Will keep people informed.
ps... we are doing our best to kill Mortimer!