Dutch Archaeology Quality
Dutch Archaeology Quality
Standard. W.J.H. Willems & R.W. Brandt. Den Haag 2004
http://www.sikb.nl/upload/documents/archeo/knauk.pdf :face-approve:
Need to read more of very detailed document > but i think
i would back this also.
Rules are one thing - enforcement is another. Three things seem necessary.
Inspectors' with real scope, knowledge, and teeth.
mechanism for concerns to be raised by team members about the running/direction of their own projects, and timely response from 'Judicial' parties (+ back-up by Inspection, external scrutiny, and 'enforcement orders'/damage to reputation)
-Cultures and Technologies of
Peer Review (read each others Reports! Find out how that site you dug X years ago was reported!) + 'forums' where the content of reports can be meaningfully discussed/evaluated, and good/bad practice publicised.
PS: can we get some Dutch views on how well this works/any issues practitioners have with? If possible, a list of other "BAJRs' Favourite Guidelines, for community to pick over?