2nd April 2009, 04:58 PM
Definitely Not.
What on earth has this got to do with Town and Country Planning.
And based upon a false premis. There is no difference in the temp and permmie terms and condition. Neither receive living expenses when working at their usual places of work.
What developers pay for staff is matter for them. ?Putting out 3 diggers and claiming for supervisors? is nothing to do with curators.
David I suggest you re-read PPG 16 and the relevant sentence actually uses the word OR not and. It also says Professionally qualified not appropriate.
What on earth has this got to do with Town and Country Planning.
And based upon a false premis. There is no difference in the temp and permmie terms and condition. Neither receive living expenses when working at their usual places of work.
What developers pay for staff is matter for them. ?Putting out 3 diggers and claiming for supervisors? is nothing to do with curators.
David I suggest you re-read PPG 16 and the relevant sentence actually uses the word OR not and. It also says Professionally qualified not appropriate.