21st April 2010, 12:16 PM
Jack Wrote:I heartily agree, in fact on my last job I refused to do overtime as it was not at time and a half...which (unfortuneately) restricted the diggers opportunities to do overtime on my site (sorry guys). But I felt it important to stand up for my legal rights. Time and a half or don't do it!
Am getting a little confused by all this. I thought the whole thing, fundamentally, was a communal group winge about not getting paid enough (which I agree with heartily!). Overtime's all very nice and well, but if it's not on the table on a job (and let's face it, you didn't have to sign the contract in the first place) what's the problem with doing more hours and earning more money anyway, not as much admittedly, but if that's all that's on offer then why not take it. Now we've got a supervisor/PO/whatever coming on saying he actually prevented his workforce from earning a living if they wanted to just cos he had some personal objection! If I'd been digging on that job I'd have been livid !