8th July 2008, 09:36 AM
So what we seem to be saying .. is the sad.. but true reality.
IF archaeolgoists say NO.. we won't take your tainted money, rather than bringing about the collapse of our capitalist society, the only reaction from the multinational developer... is "fine... don't say we did not offer,... get the machines rolling Big Duncan"
If we don't go in before a dam project or a road project... do we really think it won't go ahead? But by going in are we adding legitimacy? But by not going in we may as well get a comfortable university job [hm]
"No job worth doing was ever done on time or under budget.."
IF archaeolgoists say NO.. we won't take your tainted money, rather than bringing about the collapse of our capitalist society, the only reaction from the multinational developer... is "fine... don't say we did not offer,... get the machines rolling Big Duncan"
If we don't go in before a dam project or a road project... do we really think it won't go ahead? But by going in are we adding legitimacy? But by not going in we may as well get a comfortable university job [hm]
"No job worth doing was ever done on time or under budget.."