15th October 2011, 11:25 AM
GnomeKing Wrote:Well, in Interpretive Cultural/Historical disciplines, generally the discussion of what is Meant by certain terms generates much new thought, and considerable to-ing and fro-ing of various ideas, perspectives and lines of evidence - --- a consensus today becomes a subject to be dissected by the next new historian.....
So, what does Romano-British mean/does 'it' exist? Yes.
...how about....
'It is term used to described a comlex Period of Culturual History, where language/ideas/technologies/material culture/social structures 'imported' particularly, but not exclusively, as a consquence of invasion and colonisation by the Roman Empire were variably imposed, adopted, resisted or ignored in different regions across Britain by various native populations/cultures/societies. '
At last, something to work with! - but sadly not just now, hangover so brain's not functioning