17th October 2011, 01:43 PM
GnomeKing Wrote:Well, in Interpretive Cultural/Historical disciplines, generally the discussion of what is Meant by certain terms generates much new thought, and considerable to-ing and fro-ing of various ideas, perspectives and lines of evidence - --- a consensus today becomes a subject to be dissected by the next new historian.....
So, what does Romano-British mean/does 'it' exist? Yes.
...how about....
'It is term used to described a comlex Period of Culturual History, where language/ideas/technologies/material culture/social structures 'imported' particularly, but not exclusively, as a consquence of invasion and colonisation by the Roman Empire were variably imposed, adopted, resisted or ignored in different regions across Britain by various native populations/cultures/societies. '
worthy try but..
imported language ......social structures ......as a consequence of invasion ......by the Roman empire?
language may have changed for some but i suspect not very many
what social structures were imported
might not all these things have arrived with normal trade and exchange anyway?
was the driver of change the empire or was it merchant
your list highlights a number of the problems i have with the term romano - do the indians remember the rahj as anglo-indian or een indo-english?
If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers