5th February 2009, 01:44 PM
Remind me folks.....
Having found out last Friday (that is, Dirty Dave from this forum and I) that our local town unit has folded, what is the present sickness pay / holiday pay entitlement for someone (i.e. me) who might be a "tempoarary site assistant" on a dig, somewhere else in the country...maybe?
Will I find a dig going long-enough, for me to go into the tha"entitlement" criteria?
Having found out last Friday (that is, Dirty Dave from this forum and I) that our local town unit has folded, what is the present sickness pay / holiday pay entitlement for someone (i.e. me) who might be a "tempoarary site assistant" on a dig, somewhere else in the country...maybe?
Will I find a dig going long-enough, for me to go into the tha"entitlement" criteria?