8th February 2009, 06:09 PM
The redundancies continue and looking at the weekend Guar**an would imply 1 in 60 of the population is looking pretty harrowed on the prospects.
The idea of a central core fund being administered is not too far off the idea of rent deposits in monitored accounts.
The IFA and EH just aren't that kinda event co-ordinators.
That would be a whole other area, like revenue and customs.
As for the idea that commercially practicing businesses would even allow a method of sourcing competitor based funding for commercially data protected information and, or product.
I just don't see that kind of operation working in the real time economy.
It would take five minutes for developers to start using us as a financial black hole to weaken their competitors, by reducing their own liability within the central core funds.
Then the developers would just end up viewing us as complete liabilities.
What we need to do is muster some sort of % based overhead to be placed within a core fund, monitored and investigated as a grant giving trust body.
That body could then investigate principle and archaeological contractors whom routinly use this method of grant fund sourcing and then earmark advice within tendering groups information relating to purposeful under tendering by the principle, or then have a purse string tightening for access depending upon the amount invested.
the more you put in, as individual tenders, rather than % of finance.
That way smaller self-employed businesses could stilleffectively compete on a representative scale.