It is true what Old Girls says... - However (you knew it was coming)
Standards and Guidance ....
These are not definitive... they are ... Guidance. ei up for interpretation and argument (and I have had such things, where the Guidance is interpreted in different ways) --- unlike this document which is : Dutch Archaeology Quality Standard (
RAOs (as you say... not perfect... and to some RAOs it is just because, rather than a belief...
Groups... yup, we have groups... but we could have groups without the IFA... same goes for publications... etc etc...
CWPA - great... but again, this is not just the IFA... and what has actually been achieved... there are words about
monitoring health and safety issues
long running issue of pay and conditions
But what has actually, physically been achieved... (the long running pay and conditions thing - we are all involved in that)
What I was looking for was hard solid achievements... ie
19xx... created a universally accepted pay structure
199x ... ensured that a clear career progression was in place (with defined roles, duties etc)
200x ... etc etc
This is the sort of meat people want to know... seeing that joining is worth it... for them, the profession and the general heritage industry..
No offense to working parties (hey I was on them too) but soon after a working party finishes... there should be a result.
"I don't have an archaeological imagination.."