Thanks for the insight RG.
The problem with the IFA is (as Dino says) > they have done nothing to either identify or punish crap work and charlatans....some of those charlatans are key decsion makers!!!!!!!!!
Whatever the general membership consists of, commercial and corperate interests seem to dominate > lobbyists if you will.
I will not support an organisiation getting more power when it can not use {what little it has) effectiveley or responisbley.
IE. When was the last investigation into the standards and practice of a commercial company?, and what was the results?
(answers on back of fag packet please)
ps: dont get me wrong - 5 years ago i was massivley in favour of more status for the IFA, even though 10 years before that it seemed hopelessly irrelevant to commercail work...However, not now.
If anybody really still believes institutions can help us, then this is what they must do:
Hugely embarass the IFA with a string of compliants against ROs and senior members>
more importantly> anybody who really cares about archaeology and archaeologists should start grouping together in more/less informal ways to apply pressure on County Councils (and irrelevant bodies such as the IFA if you so wish)(whisleblowers and troublemakers PM me)....NOTHING will happen if you leave to the IFA, even if your a member and have a 'vote'...
Councils (who i strongly support in princliple) need to be pressured by the 'informed public' (when?, who?, what?, how much?)> seems harsh in these 'difficult economic times', but in fact this creates the demmand that underpins thier continued existence!!!!!
If only those lovley chapesses and chaps who have been beavering away at a Toffs Charter FOR YEARS had spent that time taking the simple but brutal steps to clean up the organisiation and make it a Real Guardian of standards and quality. :{ v.sad.
Forget the Dire-FA, and sod a 'royal charter'.
The problem with the IFA is (as Dino says) > they have done nothing to either identify or punish crap work and charlatans....some of those charlatans are key decsion makers!!!!!!!!!
Whatever the general membership consists of, commercial and corperate interests seem to dominate > lobbyists if you will.
I will not support an organisiation getting more power when it can not use {what little it has) effectiveley or responisbley.
IE. When was the last investigation into the standards and practice of a commercial company?, and what was the results?
(answers on back of fag packet please)
ps: dont get me wrong - 5 years ago i was massivley in favour of more status for the IFA, even though 10 years before that it seemed hopelessly irrelevant to commercail work...However, not now.
If anybody really still believes institutions can help us, then this is what they must do:
Hugely embarass the IFA with a string of compliants against ROs and senior members>
more importantly> anybody who really cares about archaeology and archaeologists should start grouping together in more/less informal ways to apply pressure on County Councils (and irrelevant bodies such as the IFA if you so wish)(whisleblowers and troublemakers PM me)....NOTHING will happen if you leave to the IFA, even if your a member and have a 'vote'...
Councils (who i strongly support in princliple) need to be pressured by the 'informed public' (when?, who?, what?, how much?)> seems harsh in these 'difficult economic times', but in fact this creates the demmand that underpins thier continued existence!!!!!
If only those lovley chapesses and chaps who have been beavering away at a Toffs Charter FOR YEARS had spent that time taking the simple but brutal steps to clean up the organisiation and make it a Real Guardian of standards and quality. :{ v.sad.
Forget the Dire-FA, and sod a 'royal charter'.